Howard Von Dohlen Playground

Howard Ames Von Dohlen (1895-1918) Died in battle in France during WWI.

Von Dohlen grew up in Ozone Park, Queens, and attended a local public high before working for the brokerage firm V.C. Brown. He was a member of the Men’s Club Epiphany Church of Ozone Park and was also Superintendent of the Sunday School Epiphany P.E. Church.

In June 1917, he enlisted in the U.S. Cavalry and was assigned to Troop D, Squadron A of the New York National Guard. Von Dohlen was promoted to corporal while stationed in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and then again to sergeant shortly before his unit sailed for France in May 1918. Sergeant Von Dohlen assumed a leadership role during every engagement and battle in which the 27th Division fought. On three separate occasions he volunteered to carry wounded men to the dressing station through a heavy counter barrage of enemy artillery and machine gun fire. On the morning of October 17, 1918, Von Dohlen was killed in action while commanding a machine gun section in the Battle of La Salle River in St. Supplet, France. He was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action.


“Howard Von Dohlen Playground,” New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, accessed May 15, 2023,

“Sgt Howard Ames Von Dohlen,”, accessed May 15, 2023,

Wikidata contributors, "Q34836056”, Wikidata, accessed December 7, 2023,

“261918034,” OpenStreetMap, accessed December 14, 2023,