Emanuel and Adam Gold Plaza

Emanuel Gold (1935-2013) was senior ranking Democrat in the New York State Senate from 1971-1998. He was the prime sponsor of over 80 laws. In 1977, he crafted the nation's first "Son of Sam" law which calls for victims of notorious criminals to be compensated from profits criminals gain from the sale of their stories. He also wrote laws covering health and medicine and the rights of the disabled. 

Adam Gold (1972-2012) was an avid fan of comic books, chess and Star Wars. He was devoted to his family and lived his life with courage and dignity.


Gil Tauber, "NYC Honorary Street Names," accessed June 15, 2022, http://www.nycstreets.info/honorea59.html?title=Gold

Michael Gannon, "Emanuel Gold, Forest Hills state senator who wrote first 'Son of Sam' law, dies at 77," Queens Chronicle, January 31, 2013, https://www.qchron.com/editions/central/emanuel-gold-forest-hills-state-senator-who-wrote-first-son-of-sam-law-dies-at/article_674b53a4-6a52-11e2-88dd-001a4bcf887a.html

"Adam Gold Obituary," Albany Times Union, August 24, 2012, via Legacy.com, https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/timesunion-albany/name/adam-gold-obituary?id=4976832