Daniel Carter Beard Memorial Square

Daniel Carter Beard (1850-1941) was a prominent Progressive-era reformer, outdoor enthusiast, illustrator and author, and is considered the founding father of American Scouting.

Beard earned a degree in civil engineering from Worrall's College in Kentucky. He later moved to New York City and studied at the Art Students' League, which inspired him to work in illustration. His works appeared in reputable publications such as Harper's magazine and several of Mark Twain's books. He later wrote and illustrated the American Boys' Handy Book, and moved on to found the Sons of Daniel Boone, which encouraged outdoor and survival activities in boys. This organization became the precursor for what would later be the Boy Scouts of America. 


"Daniel Carter Beard Mall," New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, accessed January 29, 2023, https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/daniel-carter-beard-mall

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Daniel Beard." Encyclopedia Britannica, June 17, 2022. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Daniel-Beard